Saturday, January 9, 2010


I'm very much into portraits these days. I never used to be. But it appears that over the past ..... year and a half (?), I have taken many more portraits. I'm enjoying it too. I believe it's much more difficult to take a portrait then just a photo of an alley, or tree.

Sunday, January 3, 2010


So as I still learn to work with my first SLR, I find it very frustrating to take amazing shots, but have no idea how they got that way. Such as in these photos.

The lighting, the shadows and highlights. I took numerous other photos, but only 4 or 5 turned out like this. It's very much annoying but at the same time, I'm not complaining.

Friday, December 25, 2009


As a WONDERFUL gift from my family, I was given a Canon Eos Rebel XS and I'm soooo crazy excited. It's my first SLR and I'm pretty excited. Still getting used to it, of course, but I'm working on it ^-^

First plan: I'm thinking about doing a 365. Instead of self portraits though, I'd like to do a portrait of someone else for every day. Maybe, maybe not. I still have time because I'd like to start on January 1st. Just so I can always remember when I have to end ^-^

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Changes in the upcoming.

So I've been heavily inspired as of late. And I've noticed that I'm also doing alot of self portraits. I enjoy them I suppose.

Anyways, I'm setting up for a shoot tomorrow. And hopefully an AMAZING social commentary shoot in the coming week. I'm extremely excited. My model McKayla is FANTASTIC and I love to work with her so it should be a good shoot.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Discovery? Study.

So I've recently discovered that immature, unkind fellow photographers are quite jealous and hate filled people.

Upon logging into my Flickr account, I was bombarded with rude "critiques" of some of my pieces. Not only was it an extremely immature and dumb thing to do, it was also extremely uncalled for.

If you have a problem dealing with work "better" or "worse" than yours, keep it to yourself, you know? Don't bash on the artist just because you can't cope with how you feel about your own work. It's childish.

Hopefully I'll be getting some new photos up soon. I'm doing of sorts.
As photographers, we usually set up our shots to make sure they look good (i.e. contrast, angel, lighting, etc). What I've done is taken a disposable camera and when I see a shot that would look good, I just point and click. No looking in the view finder, no "setting up the shot". I want to see the difference between "The Photographer" and "The Everyday Joe".
I'm developing the pictures either tomorrow or the day after. Once I've done that, I'll be reviewing them, then going back to the spots where I've photographed and taking those photos from "The Photographer" stand point.
Once that's all done, I'll upload both sets of images and see the differences. I'm hoping there are some major differences between the two sets. Otherwise, this was pointless ^-^
