Friday, December 25, 2009


As a WONDERFUL gift from my family, I was given a Canon Eos Rebel XS and I'm soooo crazy excited. It's my first SLR and I'm pretty excited. Still getting used to it, of course, but I'm working on it ^-^

First plan: I'm thinking about doing a 365. Instead of self portraits though, I'd like to do a portrait of someone else for every day. Maybe, maybe not. I still have time because I'd like to start on January 1st. Just so I can always remember when I have to end ^-^

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Changes in the upcoming.

So I've been heavily inspired as of late. And I've noticed that I'm also doing alot of self portraits. I enjoy them I suppose.

Anyways, I'm setting up for a shoot tomorrow. And hopefully an AMAZING social commentary shoot in the coming week. I'm extremely excited. My model McKayla is FANTASTIC and I love to work with her so it should be a good shoot.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Discovery? Study.

So I've recently discovered that immature, unkind fellow photographers are quite jealous and hate filled people.

Upon logging into my Flickr account, I was bombarded with rude "critiques" of some of my pieces. Not only was it an extremely immature and dumb thing to do, it was also extremely uncalled for.

If you have a problem dealing with work "better" or "worse" than yours, keep it to yourself, you know? Don't bash on the artist just because you can't cope with how you feel about your own work. It's childish.

Hopefully I'll be getting some new photos up soon. I'm doing of sorts.
As photographers, we usually set up our shots to make sure they look good (i.e. contrast, angel, lighting, etc). What I've done is taken a disposable camera and when I see a shot that would look good, I just point and click. No looking in the view finder, no "setting up the shot". I want to see the difference between "The Photographer" and "The Everyday Joe".
I'm developing the pictures either tomorrow or the day after. Once I've done that, I'll be reviewing them, then going back to the spots where I've photographed and taking those photos from "The Photographer" stand point.
Once that's all done, I'll upload both sets of images and see the differences. I'm hoping there are some major differences between the two sets. Otherwise, this was pointless ^-^


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Present saw the past.

While browsing my Flickr account, I stumbled upon this photo of myself. It's well over a year old, but the difference between that version of myself and the person whom I am today...the things that have changed are quite amazing.

Another reason why I love photography. As photographers, we're the historians of the world if you really think about it. We capture every moment of every person around us. Every change, every shift in the atmosphere is frozen through our lenses. I love it. It's a very powerful tool, to use a camera. It's not just pointing and shooting, it's capturing life before it ends.

I feel like this.

So I had originally planned on going to the bank tomorrow, taking some quick shots down town, then going to work for some candid.
But you see, I feel like crap. I think I have a cold -_- And I've never done alot of candid shots so I was hoping to test the waters with my lovely coworkers. Needless to say, I'm neither in the mood nor physical shape to take on such a demanding task.
Oh well. Embarassing photos of my friends will have to wait until I'm well enough to breath through my nose ^-^


PS: I still think I look decent for being sick xD

What to do when even photos don't lighten my mood?

It's a rough spot being in when something you're passionate about won't lighten your demeanor. It's horrid really. Photography is my passion and being angry and with no inspiration is a big problem.

I see these images in my mind when I wake up or doze off during the day. But when I go to shoot them, argh, so many road blocks. Not enough models, too shy to do this, not the right equiptment or setting. Why must these things be so complicated for such a simple shot? Why must people be so insecure with themselves?

-sigh- It's really a travesty.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


"Showing Yourselves to Little Girls"

This photo was fun to shoot primarily because I had my boyfriend and his two best friends topless. And, an outraged ARMY guy came yelling at us for them being out with no shirts on.

I don't usually use Photoshop. I like my photos to be "raw" with only slight adjustments to the color and contrast. But the images I have been seeing in my mind are extremely tempting. Lust filled really.

I'm hoping for more "dark" or "creepy" photos in the future. We'll see. It all just depends on the dreams I have ^-^
