Monday, December 7, 2009

Discovery? Study.

So I've recently discovered that immature, unkind fellow photographers are quite jealous and hate filled people.

Upon logging into my Flickr account, I was bombarded with rude "critiques" of some of my pieces. Not only was it an extremely immature and dumb thing to do, it was also extremely uncalled for.

If you have a problem dealing with work "better" or "worse" than yours, keep it to yourself, you know? Don't bash on the artist just because you can't cope with how you feel about your own work. It's childish.

Hopefully I'll be getting some new photos up soon. I'm doing of sorts.
As photographers, we usually set up our shots to make sure they look good (i.e. contrast, angel, lighting, etc). What I've done is taken a disposable camera and when I see a shot that would look good, I just point and click. No looking in the view finder, no "setting up the shot". I want to see the difference between "The Photographer" and "The Everyday Joe".
I'm developing the pictures either tomorrow or the day after. Once I've done that, I'll be reviewing them, then going back to the spots where I've photographed and taking those photos from "The Photographer" stand point.
Once that's all done, I'll upload both sets of images and see the differences. I'm hoping there are some major differences between the two sets. Otherwise, this was pointless ^-^


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